Entrepreneurship is a process of starting a business. An entrepreneur becomes experienced in making products, selling products, marketing, and investment. An entrepreneur is not just a business builder, but also a manager, a businessmen, and an owner.
However, engineers are never taught business in engineering schools. It is purposefully left out. Engineers without good mentors and education in entrepreneurship will become engineer for life.
Most engineers approach entrepreneurship by thinking. They assume they are not prepared and perhaps not smart enough to get a better idea. They therefore never start.
Chang Liu's new book called "Foundations of Entrepreneurship for Engineers" is a holistic textbook for teaching engineers. Follow the links below to the textbook and online course.
Dr. Liu has been engaged in business education for engineers since 2010.
The table of contents
Lecture 1: About this course. 4
Lecture 2: Outline. 5
What is to be gained by entrepreneurship?. 7
L3 Are entrepreneurs born or made?. 7
L4 Unique challenges of smart engineers. 8
L5 Get past the noise. 10
L6 Get past the fantasy. 11
L7 Don’t quit your day job. 13
My story and my goals. 14
L8 If so many companies fail, why people still try?. 15
L9: Can someone succeed instantly?. 16
L10 Stop thinking. 18
L11 Steps from idea to profit. 19
L13: How an engineer become entrepreneur?. 21
L14 Entrepreneurship is a business concept. 24
L15 Stages of business development. 26
L16 Steps and why it takes time. 28
L17 Choose carefully. 30
L18 Super deep dive. 32
L18 Wearing seven hats at once. 33
Building a product. 34
Confirming customers will buy. 36
Building your sales network. 38
Getting investment is number one job of CEO.. 39
Controlling cost is your own business. 42
Building barrier of entry. 43
Building organization and culture. 45
Business is just relationship. 47
Relations with early stage investors. 47
Relationship with late stage investors. 49
L31 Relationship with customers and demand chain. 51
Relationship with a cofounder. 53
Relationship with supply chain and ecosystem.. 54
Relation with competitor and imitators. 56
Relations with yourself. 58
Summary: Build relation with trust and benefits. 59
All business has the same logic. 61
L39 Business method and business model 64
L32 How to sell a product in market and stores. 65
L21 take risk but not chance. 66
L22 Why startups must fail 68
L40 Why plan and why plans don’t work. 69
L41 Target audience precisely and offer unlimited benefits. 71
L42 Designing exit before start. 73
L43 Use power ideas not your ideas. 74
L44 Entrepreneur Power Move One: Use big ideas. 77
L45 Power move – only propose disruptions. 78
Entrepreneur Power Moves: Make an acquisition target. 81
Entrepreneur Power Move: Automate business. 82
Entrepreneur Power Moves: Appeal to the eyes. 83
Entrepreneur power move: spread to more people. 85
L51 Start with what you have, today. 87
L52 Vision without exhaustion is hallucination. 90
Money, Profit, Investment. 91
Advices for entrepreneurs of all ages. 93
Advice for college engineering students. 94
45 year old entrepreneurs. 95
Advice for professors starting business. 97
Entrepreneur Math and Logic. 100
L61 Volume, price, cost, and profit. 100
L62 Buy, make and sell. That is business. 101
L63 Funnel and conversion. 104
L64 What is value and how to make value. 106
L65 Long term profit and soft skills. 110
Brutal truth: Business is rigged survivor game. 111
Brutal truth: Business always fight on the edge. 113
Brutal Truth: Business is designed after start. 115
Brutal Truth: Only big business has profit. 117
Brutal Truth: A buyers’ market everywhere. 119
Brutal truth: Business is about meeting demand today. 121
Brutal truth – any business must last a life time. 121
Career and work. 123
L67 Regular job and entrepreneurship. 123
L68 Comfort zone and T shaped knowledge. 127
Owner, manager, CEO, leader, founders. 130
Founder, CEO, MBA.. 132
Why humbleness matter. 133
Distribution, traction, and snowballing. 135
Why so many founders divorce. 137
L85 Luck and opportunity. 138
Analogy business is river money is water. 140
Analogy: Free style LEGO building. 141
Investor’s Secret Check List on You. 142
Infinite details at the bottom.. 144