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How strong is your startup idea?

#teensharks developed a system for checking the readiness of an idea or entrepreneur. One can use the "six point" system to evaluate if the readiness is full or completely not there. One can use the "#startupbingo" to evaluate idea strength.

Use your idea against the check list.  If you satisfy one criteria, put a stamp.  The more stamps, the higher quality your idea is and the higher chance it will be funded.

When you startup, check if you are ready.  Check six directions: Front, back, left, right, top, and below.

Check front for sales validation and aspiration; Check back for barrier and copycats/competitors; Check left for allies; Check right for market channel penetration ability; Check top for ceilings; Check below for footing and potholes. For example, if an idea has no ceiling, and you completely have no ally and no understanding of market or operational details, the chance you are ready is extremely low.  Get a mentor or coach or guide.

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